photo credit goes to The Captain - great shot, honey! Go here for more Perfect Pairings and add your own! Have fun!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Perfect Pairings
Thursday, September 24, 2009
When Harry Met Maggie
M: "I'm looking for my alpha dog and honey, it isn't you."
Friday, September 18, 2009
40 X 3

How do you feel about turning forty?
It’s all good – but thought I would have more done on my personal to do list. (not my wife’s) But the good thing is I only look like I am thirty five. (ok, maybe 36)
How does it feel to be a triplet?
It’s all good too. Always had someone to hang out with (read bounce around the womb with) Always had someone to learn from, share success with and had to learn to cooperate and empathize early on.
How does it feel to be a forty year old triplet?
Since we are separated by thousands of miles, I miss them, but it is always fun to get together with all the kids.
What is your birthday wish for Kim?
Wishing her many “Calgon moments” in the future-she deserves every one. (amen to that)
What is you birthday wish for Chris?
That he stays the “Red Rocker” that he is and that he continues to live out the faith hope and love that the three of us know in Jesus Christ.
Start my own business; become an entrepreneur, eat more fiber, continue to glorify God with my life. Love my wife, girls and others and break 100 on my golf score.
Do you think your wife is a dork?
Only when she inadvertently calls me a turd. (Sorry honey, I was just talking about the mechanism of action.)
What do you consider your greatest accomplishment to date?
Being a daddy to Marissa and Maren and not crashing a 50 seat jet.
Kanye or Taylor?
I strongly dislike crossover teenage country pop, so I have to give it to Kanye only because I dig his tatooed haircut.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Falling (Barrelling?) Into Fall
So, we did. At the Hospers Swimming Pool for a Last Day of Summer Labor Day Hurrah. THIS was my old stomping ground. I spent many a summer day at the Hospers pool. I can smell the baby oil and the burning flesh (my own) as we speak. The pool looks much better than it used to, after the town gave it a much needed overhaul a few years back. Zero entry, clear water, and an "AWESOME" (Marissa's word exactly) slide that leaves you off short of the water by a good three feet or so with a little acceleration and force. See?
Here's the Captain. Like a shot out of a canon. Like a bullet out of gun. Like a movement out of a bowel. (Sorry, I'm a nurse.) Marissa voted this "the best slide ever". Maren decided she would go off the board "all by myself" (with a little help from her lifejacket) so she wiggled to the end of the board and delicately stepped off. No problems or help from mom and dad.
Then it was on to the "Barrel of Fun". I had forgotten about this marvelous piece of playground equipment until my classmate, Liz - a former Hospersite herself- mentioned it on Facebook. Have you ever noticed they just don't make playgrounds like they used too?
We rocked. We rolled. And just generally felt like a bunch of overgrown hamsters on a wheel. We did have a "Barrel of Fun" though. Come on, sing it with me and feel that polka beat, "Roll out the barrel..."
That last day of summer plumb tuckered us out.
Better stick to my day job.