So. Really. These cheeks. Resistance is futile. I had to kiss them all weekend. Big Benny pretty much stole our hearts. Talk about some cheap entertainment.

We ooo'd and ahhh'd over every little expression. He is just the best little guy as long as his milk was warm, diaper dry, and Harry was in view. Who knew Harry could be such a good baby sitter?
The girls were really great help too. They love their sweet little cousin. I don't know how many times I heard them squeal "oh mom, he's so cute....". Even when we changed his diaper, Maren crooned "oh mom, even THAT is cute". We had to have a little anatomy refresher on THAT. And so it goes in a house with girls. But we'll take Big Benny back any old time. Kiss. Kiss.
We ooo'd and ahhh'd over every little expression. He is just the best little guy as long as his milk was warm, diaper dry, and Harry was in view. Who knew Harry could be such a good baby sitter?
The girls were really great help too. They love their sweet little cousin. I don't know how many times I heard them squeal "oh mom, he's so cute....". Even when we changed his diaper, Maren crooned "oh mom, even THAT is cute". We had to have a little anatomy refresher on THAT. And so it goes in a house with girls. But we'll take Big Benny back any old time. Kiss. Kiss.