Marissa celebrated her 9th birthday with two of her good friends out in the tube on Lake Okoboji. The giggle factor was off the charts, the screams in the upper octaves (especially when slung outside the wake by the Captain) and great fun was had by all. As they say at Okoboji "In God We Trust, Everyone Else - Cash." I don't know what that really has to do with anything, but I always laugh when I see it, and you tend to see it a lot when you are up at the lakes.
I think the story somewhat loosely goes - two brothers started a retail store - well maybe it was three, because the name of the store is
The Three Sons- in the Iowa Great Lakes area, and someone came up with the idea of a fictional University to sell some college type
apparel. No university or college in the area, so they just made one up. Way back in 1878. Maybe. Actually am in BS mode and don't really know what I am talking about, but they have milked that idea for all it is worth. There is an
entrance exam, winter games, numerous bike rides, marathons, and various other
activities around the area that are all sponsored by the fictional University of
Okoboji. Creative marketing I would say. Great logo and slogan too.
So yes, I digress, again. We had a great day. Good weather, not too many boats on the lake, and the girls had a ball. I would post pictures of the lake activities, but I forgot the camera back up and the cabin and remembered it just as I was stepping into the boat. I have been longing for a new camera, but don't think I am responsible enough to have one. I ALWAYS forget the silly thing, just when I want it the most. If we did get a new one, I would have to permanently velcro it to my chest or eyeball, either one. I know I missed tons of great shots out on the boat. Like when the girls would swing to the edge of the wake and their eyes would get all saucer big, or when the Captain's hat took its annual dip in the lake and Marissa had to go retrieve it - again. Or what about that one where we took off without bringing the anchor in? That was a classic. Anyway, here's one of the girls in the van that will have to suffice.

On the drive home I was feeling unworthy of having a brand spanking new camera, until we saw this...

and this...

and this.

I wanted one really bad! By this time I was hanging out the passenger window swallowing a firefly or two, trying to get a good shot while the Captain was yelling photography tips at me. "Aperture? What is Aperture?" GULP. Lake Okoboji is just a bit north and mostly east of here, so on the way home, you drive straight west, Young Man. This is usually annoying and somewhat dangerous since you can't see a blooming thing, but what I wouldn't have given for a decent camera velcroed (velcrowed?) to my eyeball that night. This sunset just would not give up. It kept going and going and going. It was a lovely and perfect ending to a perfect day. 
In God I trust, but could I please get a new camera?