Thursday, May 28, 2009
Remember When...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
E is for Maren

We have made some progress. No extra "e" lines, but let's just add a nice little tree in the corner for good measure and well, "it looked sort of plain".

So, why don't you tell her? Why don't you tell that sweet little face not to add too many lines to her "E's"? Good luck. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Friday, May 22, 2009
The heavy beat beat of the helicopter blades brings a chill to your bones, even on a 90 degree day. You hope and pray it is no one that you know. But it is, as it so often goes in a small town.
The question was discussed, probably in a cramped room without windows, in the presence of cold, vinyl, antimicrobial furniture and commercial grade carpet as witnesses. Hang on, or let go. Sometimes you just have to let go. A boy, now a man, no longer has a mother. Grandchildren have lost a Grandma, and a husband no longer has a wife. An entire family has lost...Her.
Sometimes I just don't get it. Would it have mattered that much to let someone live a few more days, months, years. Surely there must have been a better candidate out there. Why?
Starkly, you realize there is not that much difference between that family and yours. Death, such as this, has no vaccine, no remedy, no treatment, no preventative measures to be taken. You get home and stare at your children, committing their faces in this moment to memory - for what if there is not another? You notice their shoes scattered at the doorway and pray their fat warm healthy toes will always fill them as long as you draw breath. You wish your husband was home.
I know. I know. "His ways are not our ways, His thoughts are not our thoughts", but that still leaves us swimming in a murky pool of gray, feeling our way through. We reach for the tattered ropes of our lives and vainly try to tie them nicely back together. We try to solve the equation and realize that faith does not equal knowledge or a life here on earth without despair. We can only pray that somehow faith will add up to hope and possibly someday to that peace that passes understanding.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
I happen to be very fond of Google. I am a Google Gal. I like the iGoogle application, the calendar, (which you can now add on a task list-did you hear that Honey?) and I especially like the artwork on the home page that they change periodically. Here's the one for today:

Google, Google, what do you see? Everything apparently. (Whoops, wrong Eric Carle book.) And the very hungry Google ate through one Yahoo, two Mozilla Foxfires, three MSNs, and it was very SMART!
I think when something that was once a noun becomes a verb, then you have got it made. We no longer say, " I looked it up on Google". We say we "googled it". Maybe someday instead of saying "I did that like Shannon did" ( like everyone does right now), we'll just say we "Shannoned it".
I think my cold medicine is really getting to me. Sorry. Just go open your Google page about 5 times in a row and look at that cute little turtle and that will make you feel better.
P.S. 5-22-09: Look what they did today! Makes my mommy heart go thump thump. Yes, I am still taking cold medicine.

Monday, May 18, 2009
Tulip Time 2009
Speaking of show-offs, ever since the Captain saw this bike, he has been hankering to ride it in the Tulip Festival so he could show off his biking skills. I think he would agree, it was a bit harder than it looked. He did a great job though and did us all proud...
P.S. Thanks to my MIL Pat for some of letting me take and publish some of these pics. I have camera envy.
P.S.S. Baloney, if your out there, Flat Baloney got lost in the shuffle (or the shuffle, clomp, clomp of the wooden shoes more precisely) somewhere, but there is always next year!!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Just Sick
My Grandma has four children, one of which is my mother who is the oldest. This is not a huggy touchy feely family. Never have been, never will be. Hugs and spoken "I love yous" are saved up for the most dire of situations. When things get stressful and a little too close for comfort what usually gets squeezed out is inappropriate humor. So my two aunts and my mom and uncle were all able to be there for Grandma's big event. Many hugs and "I love yous" were exchanged.
So they swept Grandma and her gangrenous toe off to surgery and sent her children off to a nice private waiting room to await the outcome. I was not present and only heard second hand accounts, but I can imagine things sounding something like this. I am sure they kept up the appearance of a normal and loving family a bit until my uncle checks his watch looks up and says, "Well, the toe should be in the bucket by now." My aunt hits him for being rude, but the giggles erupt. That transitioned into a glass jar containing her toe that Grandma could display on her coffee table for the next time the ladies came over to play cards. The kind nurse that gave updates about Grandma's progress thinks they sure are a noisy bunch. Next, my aunt would quip. " I sure hope mom is not too "defeated" about all this". More giggles and guffaws and generally things start to go downhill from there.
So the surgery is over and they are all ushered into a conference room where they will meet with the surgeon to get his report of how everything went. He walks in confidently with a big smile on his face... and a small box in his hand. My aunts, mom, and uncles listened intently to the better than expected results and are eternally grateful, but all eyes were on the box. As Dr. Kelly was about to leave, Auntie Lea just had to ask, "you don't have Mom's toe in that box, do you." The Dr. is cool enough to find that hilariously funnyand explains that no, the box contained his glasses he used for surgery - just in case you were wondering. Once Grandma got back to the room and was awake, they let her in on the joke too. She thought it was the funniest thing she had heard since being NPO after midnight.
So what do you call a man with no arms and no legs hanging on a wall?
What do you call a man with no arms and no legs floating in the water?
What do you call a man with no arms and no legs lying by the door?
(Sorry, I know, not very PC, but that was not passed down in my gene pool.)
What do you call an 84 year old Dutch lady minus one stinky toe?
My Grandma, and I love her very much. ((HUGS))
Sunday, May 10, 2009
This One's For the Girls
My mom and I had three hours to talk on the drive. You would think that living in the same small town we would be all talked out, but in the day to day rush of living life, seems like we don't have time to say the things we should, but today we did. I miss those kind of talks with my mom. Ironically, we had more of those when she lived here and I lived in Tulsa.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
The Cheshire Giraffe
Friday, May 1, 2009
Finding My Way to Highway 10