Wednesday, April 29, 2009
How to Save a Life
I have to maintain certain certifications as a nurse, and in a small town hospital, you need to maintain many more. I am certified in Basic Life Support, Pediatric Advanced Life Support, Adult Cardiac Life Support, and the Neonatal Resuscitation Program, and have recently added ACLS instuctor. It is exhausting. AND most of the nurses I work with have more certifications than that! Usually these re-certifications come up every two years - and folks, this is my year. I have practiced resuscitating "Annie" (adult manikin), "Junior" (child manikin) and "Baby" (you got it). I have had my share of simulated chest compressions.
It's a good thing to know. And for those of you (myself included) who get the heebie-geebies thinking about giving actual "mouth to potentially bloody, smelly, dirty, emesis filled mouth" - I wouldn't worry about it too much. It's all about the compressions, Baby* (or Annie or Junior) and the AED (automated external defibrillator). So you want to give good high quality CPR. Here are a few songs to put on your CPR playlist.
or if you are one of those glass half empty people....
I think I like Staying Alive. But I do like the guy getting groovy with it in the gray pants right in the middle of the screen on the last video. Not sure that is proper technique - but think it should be. : ) So, go forth and save... or not? Seriously, watch the "how to" video, or go take a class - you just never know.
*By the way, with neonates, ventilation is key to successful resuscitation. Patty taught me that. Thanks Patty!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Easter...It's Amazing
But, if you ever get a chance to see Paul and his band, RPM, play live, you should. They sound great! It is also great fun just watching Paul sing. He is in his element and he radiates pure joy whether he is singing U2, the Beatles, or whatever. We also had a great dinner with my friend Ty and her family. She also had two girls and it was giggles and giggles galore.
We all went to church together on Easter Sunday. I heard Jim's voice crack just a bit as he introduced his kids and grand kids. And that is the only context in which I can slightly understand Easter. Would I give up my life for Marissa or Maren? In a heartbeat or sooner if required. That is just the tiniest fraction of how much God loves us. I can get my head around that to some extent. Would I give the life of Marissa or Maren for anyone of you? No. That is the bigger part of how much God loves us. That part is unfathomable to me. It's an amazing thing isn't it?
Friday, April 24, 2009
Where Have I Been All My Life...
So here's a recap from most recent to most recent past. Today, regular work day. No prob. Took care of Sweet Lizzy. (she can patty cake now - I am in love) Again no prob. Dance recital pictures. Prob. Ugh!! I so thought I had everything organized, but didn't. We made it though. The girls looked really sweet - even though their mother got a bit snappish. What is up with their mother anyway?
Yesterday, it was Mommy and Maren day. Maren has been out of preschool for the past week. Sewer back up at the brand spanking new preschool. Can you say how nasty is that? E-coli and salmonella, and shigella just kicking up their heels at preschool. Makes even a nurse cringe. (They are replacing all carpet and flooring but I am taking my petri dishes along on Monday and taking samples just to be sure.) Anyhow, I was way too busy doing mani-pedis, going to the park AND the library and playing Barbies to blog. I did some Spring cleaning in our bedroom though. Do you think it is bad to need 2.7 Swiffers to adequately clean my blinds? Those petri dishes sure do come in handy. So do Swiffers. Why couldn't I have invented Swiffers? Then I would be lying on my own beach somewhere with a margarita in my hand instead of a Swiffer.
Last Tuesday, I got my Advanced Cardiac Life Support Instructor certificate. Now I can officially teach people how to save a life. The Fray has it all wrong.
Saturday, I worked in Babyland for a bit. Do you have any idea how fun is to take dismissal pictures of new babies and their families as they are discharged from the hospital? Do you know the hospital actually PAID me for this? Too fun, too cute. Proud papas, wide-eyed big brothers and sisters, and mommas in that weird transition phase of being proud and satisfied of a job well done, yet knowing the real work is just beginning. What a glorious and terrifying thing to be a new mom.
Thursday I worked the cardiovascular clinic. We did have a surprise cardioversion added to the schedule. I was not in charge of the "button". Amazingly enough, we got Bob and Dr. Wanner out the door on time for once.
Every other day between was just a normal work day, but I have had lots of new people. I really love my job in cardiac rehab. I think only the coolest people have heart attacks. If you are a nerd or an inconsiderate dork, you are in the clear, because I have yet to have one walk through my door.
Oh, I forgot to mention last Wednesday was my last VP3 class. I will miss the people I have met there horribly. Oh, I will still see them in church, maybe around town, but hopefully not in rehab, because the are all REALLY cool. Even John F. who use to scare me a bit. But the context of why and how and the reason for us being in that place at that time will be missing - and there were some God moments let me tell you. It seemed like every week at 6:30 -8:00 at Trinity church, there might be another chance to witness one. I will miss that. That does lead me to the question, and the title for this blog post. Where have I been all my life? I sometimes feel I am so busy "doing" life that I am not really "in" it. I sometimes feel I know OF God, but don't really "know" Him. If I took anything away from this class, I want and need to be more present in my life - and look for Him there too. If you ever get a chance to do a VP3 class, go for it.
That about takes me back to Easter, which was so very bloggable. Hold that thought...
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Seven Signs of Spring in NW Iowa
2. Farm equipment traffic jams. The farmers are getting the land ready to plant. Corn and beans and oats. Oh my. The John Deeres are in abundant supply. They are also doing some Spring Cleaning. I had the distinct privilege of following a "Honey Wagon" while on my way to Walmart the other day. This is not the honey bee made honey variety. Think liquid excrement of the horrendously stinky variety. Here's a picture. That will make the horror last longer. Thankfully they are not "spreading" as they go down the road - but they do drip a little.

3. Garage sales. This marks the weekend of the city wide garage sale held every Spring and Fall. We nearly double our population and there are Dutch people running amok all with the intent of getting a really good deal on someone else's junk.
4. Reflective white skin. We have had some nice weather here. Enough to get out the shorts. It is a sad thing to see exactly how pasty everyone has gotten over the long winter. There is a low glow emanating from the elementary school with the kids showing their pasty white legs. They could seriously give Edward Cullen a run for his money. Refer to my ghostly girls in their dance costumes. They look a little anemic, huh? But adorably cute anemic. There's a difference.
5. Street Sweeping. Yep, we get out the old street sweeper out here in these parts. Blame it once again on the weird Dutch gene. They seem to add to the aforementioned traffic jams in number 2. Remember the term traffic jam is used loosely in NW Iowa.
6. Parental Birthday season. My Dad's b-day is tomorrow. My mom's is May 2. Then there is Mother's Day. The Captain's dad's b-day is on May 19. Father's Day. Then July is Birthday month in our household. Both M's have birthday's in July. I must have only been fertile in late October.
7. End of the school year just around the corner. I have been out of school for 20 years now, yet I forget that I actually don't get the summers off. I get this expectant hope of a break and then I remember I am an adult and I still need to work through June, July and August. Let's get Obama on the line and see what he can do about that. That's a change that would do us all some good.
Happy Spring!! I LOVE IT!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Together Again

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Thanks? I think?
She received the award from her friend Yogi (aka Satan). Long story, me thinks. I really think Yogi is an innocent bystander in all of this. All because Oklahoma decided to change their tags. (Did you know that we don't have tags here in Iowa? We call them license plates. They have special stores in OK where you go to buy your "tags" called Tag Agencies. I could not figure that out when I first moved there. Here in Iowa, we only tag cattle and hogs.)
So thanks Baloney! I accept! Because you never know about those Zombie Chickens (as opposed to the Funky ones.)

I am passing this on to my SIL Kim because I am truly worried the zombie chickens have already come to spirit her away! I NEED some more posts from you, girl! Can't wait to see you FOR REAL this weekend though!
To my other SIL Kelly. Heh Doe Honey.... Some more posts please? I know you're out there. Can't wait to see you all too!
To my Hubby, The Captain. He had me at "Hey Baby, you wanna ride in my airplane?" Ahh, the romance never dies. You complete me....
To Dawn the Queen B at Keeper of the "B's", where B is for beautiful, blessed and best. (of friends)
And to the lovely Ms. Amy at pretty shiny. I pretty much wish you were still in the OC with us!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Oops... I Did it Again!
Now I have a book hang over. I was awake, or should I say in a state that appeared to be awake at 7:30 - eyes open, conversing in semi-full sentences with a death grip on a Dt. Dr. Pepper - but the suffering has begun. Thankfully, I did not have to work today, or have big plans to do anything that requires too much thought and concentration. I do try to read responsibly.

Jr. High and High School were no better with me often hiding my stash in the arms of a text book . Poor Mrs. Greving tried to break my nasty habit - but to little avail. I would not be thwarted. She tried.

I hit rock bottom while reading Gone With the Wind. The copy I had been reading was missing the last chapter. I knew our library had another copy, but it was checked out, so I had to wait about three days in order to finish it. It was pure torture. I read and reread every conversation, every subtle nuance, between Rhett and Scarlett and just knew that love would prevail.
I remember, we had a band competition, so we met at school on a Saturday, and before we left I snuck into the library and behold it was there, so I STOLE the remaining copy. ( I did sign the card and laid it on the Librarian desk and knew I would have it back by Monday. The librarian was an addict herself, so I knew she would understand. ) I read the last chapter on the way to the competition. I had had enough of a window to see a very happy and joyous ending for dear Rhett and Scarlett, and could hardly contain my sorrow as I read that Rhett's love had run out. Frankly, I DID give a damn! We played a haunting, very Tara-ish composition at the final concert that evening and I told everyone that I didn't feel well and that was why I was crying. That book haunted me for weeks.
I am not too particular about the flavor of my books. I can be just as engrossed with Malcolm Gladwell or John Ortburg as I am with Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte. And who can resist a good memoir? I loved Chosen By a Horse by Susan Richards. Once I start, I find it so very hard to put them down.

I find that I do like the physicality of holding a book with its warm and fragrant pages in my hand. They are so conveniently transportable. Laid open on the counter while cooking dinner, propped on the steering wheel while waiting to pick up the girls, and admittedly more than my share of books have shriveled pages incurred after being dipped or dropped into steaming hot bath water.
I used to listen to audio books on my hour commute to work and found that I would simply appear in Sioux City with absolutely no recollection of how I got there. I should not read and drive. I have thought about looking into getting an Amazon Kindle at some point, but wouldn't that be like continuosly filling a keg at a party with a bunch of frat boys? Not sure I could handle that.
My name is Shannon, and I am a book addict. Any other addicts present?
Sunday, April 5, 2009
All Things Beautiful
But if you look closer the bloom is still gorgeous. I love the antiquey looking paper thin quality of a dried hydrangea. How clever is God to think of that? In late summer and early fall, the hydrangeas around town are in full bloom and nearly falling all over themselves with the weight of their beauty. They are, as Maren might say, "beautifulerest". It might be argued that they are at the height of their beauty, the very best they can be. I personally might disagree.